our services
Digital Service Solutions
We are committed to technological innovation in library systems by providing the latest in electronic publishing and total library solutions. We provide access to scholarly materials, e-books, electronic journals, article abstracts and citations, publishing tools and reference database and other library technologies in a world class digital infrastructure.
Digital Library Design and Implementation.
Our services are tailored towards improving overall access to information for users no matter their location. We provide turnkey online library implementation, library management, as well as implementation advisory services. We provide a full spectrum of Library development services right from library site selection to commissioning on turnkey basis.
Book Digitization
The World eBooks Library works with industry leaders to offer a complete digitization solution. Industry-leading scanning hardware and software solutions enable librarians to digitize their content for the long haul. We digitize e-library local collection of information resources and creates global access. This involves the conversion of locally held books, thesis, and seminar papers into searchable electronic format and making them accessible to researchers in an electronic format.
World eBooks Digital
We are in the process of recording another milestone by bringing to Nigeria the World eBook Digital which is an e-textbook platform that allows students to access course materials whenever and wherever they choose – online, laptop, desktop or mobile device. This personalised learning platform provides offline and online e-textbooks from all the key academic publishers, along with any other e-textbooks required for course adoption at universities at a fraction of the cost of a textbook. This educational content platform can be integrated with the university’s learning environment and provide interactive use of resources. Our personalised learning platform and e-textbooks reader give your library patrons functionality beyond physical books to help get the very best out the platform. Your researchers and patrons will never study the same way again. Our digital study smart tools include:
- Search within your e-textbooks.
- Highlight, add notes, share, print, copy & paste.
- Create collaborative groups, instruct and share notes
- Functions very well in a multi-platform environment.
World e-books library has developed a series of training modules that aims at supporting partner librarians and the entire academic communities to derive superior value from their libraries. Below is a description of a few of our training modules.
- Capacity building in ICT infrastructure management.
- Specific product trainings
- Global best practices in resource acquisitions.
- Basic training on e-Library usage to academic communities (mostly via webinars)
- Customised trainings as may be required.